How to install openfiler in CentOS 6.2 Linux

Before starting installation steps I would like to give a brief intro on What is Openfiler? Openfiler is an operating system that provides file-based network-attached storage and block-based storage area network. Hardware Requirements Minimal Openfiler

Opnefire installation guide in Linux (Red Hat)

Let me show you step by step installation guide for openfire in Red hat Linux 6.2 using Postgresql database. Make sure you have postgresql database and openfire rpm installed in your machine You can get

Samba 4.1 as Active Directory configuration guide

  I have written one more article with the steps to configure FreeIPA server and client which can also act as an alternate to Microsoft Active Directory. And since FreeIPA is a GUI based, it can be

Preventing security breaches with ExecShield

ExecShield is designed to prevent security breaches caused by software programs written to crawl through the Internet looking for systems with common vulnerabilities such as worms and viruses. It is enabled in the kernel and

How to configure CVS server in Red Hat Linux

From wiki CVS (Concurrent Versions System)uses a client–server architecture: a server stores the current version(s) of a project and its history, and clients connect to the server in order to "check out" a complete copy