Understanding UMASK value in Linux
What is umask value? In computing, umask is a command that determines the default permission to be set on any file or directory is created. It also refers to a function that sets the mask,
What is umask value? In computing, umask is a command that determines the default permission to be set on any file or directory is created. It also refers to a function that sets the mask,
There are various commands which can be used for this purpose. I will try to briefly explain each of them with examples Method 1 All the login attempts made to your system are stored
There can be cases where you are searching for a file but you want to exclude some particular directories from the search. -prune is used to ignore files and directories from your search Lets
Error: Your filesystem or build does not support posix ACLs, which s3fs requires. Try the mounting the filesystem with the 'acl' option." Description: I got this error while trying to run the provision step
I assume you are already familiar with High Availability Cluster and it's architecture. In another article I have shared a step by step guide to configure High Availability Cluster on Linux. GFS2 is based on
I have written one more article with the steps to configure FreeIPA server and client which can also act as an alternate to Microsoft Active Directory. And since FreeIPA is a GUI based, it can be a
There are few commands which you can use to get a list of last logged in users with time details Command 1 last - show listing of last logged in users Description This command
Below are a list of services used in Red Hat Cluster. ccsd This is an abbreviation used for Cluster Configuration System daemon This is responsible for loading /etc/cluster/cluster.conf and managing configuration versions ccsd is