Comparison Type 1 vs Type 2 Hypervisor
Before moving ahead with the types let us understand the meaning of an hypervisor. What is Hypervisor? A Hypervisor also known as Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) can be a piece of software, firmware or
Before moving ahead with the types let us understand the meaning of an hypervisor. What is Hypervisor? A Hypervisor also known as Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) can be a piece of software, firmware or
This is one general question which can be asked to you in any interview but rather more being a VMware Administrator you should understand the new features introduced in the later version of VMware vSphere
There was this one time when I ran into the situation when my /tmp partition was getting full at 100% and I got an threshold alert but again when I checked the same it was
NOTE: Each correct answer will give you 5 points Which command would you use to check the path of mv command? where mv findout mv path mv which mv Which command would you use to
NOTE: Each correct answer would give you 5 points Which portion of the System Global Area, also known as SGA holds information about changes made to the database? The redo log buffer The database buffer cache
NOTE: Each correct answer would give you 5 point. What do you type in the password field of /etc/passwd to prevent a user from accessing a system? A comma (') An asterisk (*) An exclamation
NOTE: Each correct answer would give you 5 point. What advantages does GRUB offer over LILO boot loader? It enables you to boot multiple operating systems It enables you to permanently change GRUB conf file
What if you want to know what were the commands which were executed by any user on any Linux server Method 1 Check theĀ .bash_history file in user's home location. NOTE: You will not be