How to add line number at the beginning of each line
There are many ways to do this, I will try to show some Sample file '/tmp/file' Apple Apricot Avocado Banana Bilberry Blackberry Blackcurrant Method 1 Using 'nl' # nl /tmp/file 1 Apple
There are many ways to do this, I will try to show some Sample file '/tmp/file' Apple Apricot Avocado Banana Bilberry Blackberry Blackcurrant Method 1 Using 'nl' # nl /tmp/file 1 Apple
In my last articles I had shared the arguments with sed which can be used to perform case insensitive actions (search, replace..) in a file and to delete all blank lines from the file. Before starting with some command
How to append a string after a match? For eg I have a text line "This is not test" where I would like to insert "really" after matching "is" Command: echo "This is not test"
Unable to connect to iCloud Server or iTunes from your laptop? I recently did an update of iTunes on my laptop after which I was unable to re-login to the iTunes with the below error
I got this error the other day while working on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3 and after digging for a while I got to know there is a sort of a BUG in RHEL 7.3.
In another article I have shared step by step guide to configure IPv6 in Linux with examples and in this article I will share the steps to disable and enable ipv6 in Red Hat Enterprise
To improve security in our environment many times we have to blacklist certain modules from getting loaded in our setup to avoid any security leak. The provided procedure is tested with Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Kickstart is used to perform an automated installation where no manual intervention would be needed but there are times when we want the end user to fill in some needed details for eg keyboard type,