The other day I was installing Peopletools on a Linux instance when I came across this error and I am sure some body else also might get stuck at this stage so i would like to post the solution for this error.
SQL Error. Error position: 129 Return: 12899 - ORA-12899: value too large for column "SYSADM". "PS_CAN_GOV_COUNTRY". "DESCR" (actual: 33, maximum: 30) Error: Unable to insert row 280 Error: SQL execute error for CAN_GOV_COUNTRY Unsuccessful Completition
Increase the destination column manually as required to insert the rows in that column.
sql>desc PS_CAN_GOV_COUNTRY; Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- CAN_COUNTRY_CD NOT NULL VARCHAR2(5 CHAR) EFFDT NOT NULL DATE EFF_STATUS NOT NULL VARCHAR2(1 CHAR) DESCR NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30 CHAR) DESCRSHORT NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10 CHAR) sql> alter table PS_CAN_GOV_SCHOOL modify DESCR VARCHAR2(35); Table altered. sql> commit; Commit complete.