Sample kickstart partition example (RAID, LVM, Multipath, Simple,..)

Below are some of the storage template examples which can be used in kickstart for various type of installation option

Simple Layout

Using below we do not give any requirement for any partition in terms of size and partition type, instea we only define the filesystem type. With this we will only get a root and boot partition

For setting an ext4 partition with a simple layout

# Disk Partitioning
autopart --type=plain --fstype=ext4


For setting an ext4 partition with a software RAID 1 + LVM.

Here my setup is having two disk (each with 838GB space) hence I am create Physical Volume accordingly, you can modify the value based on your disk size. You can also use "--size 1 --grow" if you do not wish to restrictively define a size for your physical volume and this will take the maximum available space in your disks.

# The following is the partition information you requested
ignoredisk --only-use=sda,sdb

# -- raid part for boot --
part raid.sda0 --size 512 --asprimary --ondrive=sda
part raid.sdb0 --size 512 --asprimary --ondrive=sdb

# -- raid part for pv.1 --
part raid.sda2 --size 821616 --ondrive=sda
part raid.sdb2 --size 821616 --ondrive=sdb

# -- raid part for root --
part raid.sda1 --size 12288 --ondrive=sda
part raid.sdb1 --size 12288 --ondrive=sdb

# -- raid part for swap --
part raid.sda3 --size 12288 --ondrive=sda
part raid.sdb3 --size 12288 --ondrive=sdb

# Raid device creation
raid /boot --fstype ext4 --device md0 --level=RAID1 raid.sda0 raid.sdb0
raid pv.1 --device md2 --level=RAID1 raid.sda2 raid.sdb2
raid / --fstype ext4 --device md1 --level=RAID1 raid.sda1 raid.sdb1
raid swap --fstype swap --device md3 --level=RAID1 raid.sda3 raid.sdb3

# Volume group and logical volume creation
volgroup vg00 --pesize=65536 pv.1
logvol /var --fstype ext4 --vgname vg00 --size=16384 --name=var
logvol /tmp --fstype ext4 --vgname vg00 --size=24576 --name=tmp
logvol /home --fstype ext4 --vgname vg00 --size=8192 --name=home
logvol /opt --fstype ext4 --vgname vg00 --size=16384 --name=opt
logvol /usr --fstype ext4 --vgname vg00 --size=32768 --name=usr
logvol /var/log --fstype ext4 --vgname vg00 --size=1 --grow --name=log

Normal LVM Layout

For setting an ext4 partition with only LVM.

Here my setup has a single disk (sda) and my physical volume is configured to use all the available space on the disk to create and configure the partition layout

part /boot --size 512 --asprimary --fstype=ext4 --ondrive=sda
part pv.1 --size 1 --grow --fstype=ext4 --ondrive=sda

volgroup system --pesize=32768 pv.1

logvol / --fstype ext4 --vgname system --size=8192 --name=root
logvol /var --fstype ext4 --vgname system --size=16384 --name=var
logvol /tmp --fstype ext4 --vgname system --size=40960 --name=tmp
logvol swap --vgname system --size=4096 --name=swap
logvol /opt --fstype ext4 --vgname system --size=8192 --name=opt
logvol /opt/deep --fstype ext4 --vgname system --size=6144 --name=deep
logvol /opt/deep/log --fstype ext4 --vgname system --size=20480 --name=deeplog
logvol /var/opt/data--fstype ext4 --vgname system --size=1 --grow --name=mybackup

Multipath Layout

This one is tricky as you must know the list of mpath device available so that you can define them to be used for installation. In the below example I only had single LUN hence I have only used single mpath device

# The following is the partition information you requested
ignoredisk --only-use=mpatha

# Disk Partioning
clearpart --all --initlabel --drives=mpatha

# Disk partitioning information
part pv.1073 --fstype="lvmpv" --size 1 --grow --ondisk=mpatha
part swap --fstype="swap" --ondisk=mpatha --size=4096
part /boot --fstype="ext4" --ondisk=mpatha --size=512

volgroup system --pesize=32768 pv.1073

logvol /var --fstype ext4 --vgname system --size=8192 --name=var
logvol /tmp --fstype ext4 --vgname system --size=20480 --name=tmp
logvol /opt/mgtservices  --fstype="ext4" --size=5120 --name=opt-mgtservices --vgname=system
logvol /opt  --fstype="ext4" --size=1 --grow --name=opt --vgname=system
logvol /home  --fstype="ext4" --size=4096 --name=home --vgname=system
logvol /export  --fstype="ext4" --size=30720 --name=export --vgname=system
logvol /var/opt  --fstype="ext4" --size=25600 --name=var-opt --vgname=system
logvol / --fstype="ext4" --vgname=system --size=8192 --name=root