In my last post I had shown you the steps to install openfiler. Now let me show you the steps required
to configure an iSCSI storage using openfiler.
Assuming that you have already installed openfiler and you the browser access to the server machine.
Follow the instructions below along with the screenshots
Click on System from the TAB menu as shown below
2. Mention the subnet range for which you will be using this iSCSi Storage.
Now next job is to create a Physical Volume for the Storage. Click on Volume TAB and select " Create New Physical Volumes" as shown in the box below
Click on /dev/sda as shown in the below box to get a list of partition in the system
Once you click on /dev/sda scroll down the page where you can see the below options i.e. free disk space which you can utilize for configuring your storage.
Create your partition with the configuration shown below
1. It should be a Physical Volume
2. The partition should be primary
Next step is to create Volume Groups with the created Physical Volumes in last step. Click on "Volume Groups" option shown in the right section of your openfiler page as shown below
Now you need to start the required services
Click on Services TAB as shown below
Start and enable the iSCSI Target services as shown in the below image
Once the services are started it is time to create the iSCSi target.
Click on iSCSI Target from the TAB menu in the right side of openfiler page
You should be able to see a page as shown below. Click on Add to add the iSCSi target
Once you click on Add another alternate target name is created as shown below. But one target name is enough for out demonstration so you can leave this option as it is and move for the next step